Deconstructing the Hero's Journey: Narrative Subversion in Feminist Fiction


  • Nofal Talha MS Scholar Faculty of Management Sciences Lahore College for Women University, Lahore


Feminist Fiction, Hero's Journey, Deconstruction, Narrative Subversion, Female Agency, Gender Role, Archetypes


The archetypal Hero's Journey, popularized by Joseph Campbell, has long served as a foundation for countless narratives across various cultures and storytelling mediums. However, this monomyth, as Campbell himself acknowledged, often reinforces traditional gender roles and overlooks the experiences and complexities of female characters. This paper explores how feminist fiction deconstructs the Hero's Journey, challenging its assumptions and subverting its traditional narrative patterns. Through character analysis, thematic exploration, and close reading of specific texts, this paper demonstrates how feminist writers reimagine the hero archetype, redefine notions of success and agency, and offer alternative narratives that empower female protagonists to break free from restrictive societal expectations.




How to Cite

Nofal Talha. (2023). Deconstructing the Hero’s Journey: Narrative Subversion in Feminist Fiction. The Study of Religion and History, 1(1), 18–26. Retrieved from