Baltistan Region and Balti Language

خطۂ بلتستان اور بلتی زبان


  • Dr. Abdul Sattar Malik2 Lecturer Urdu, AIOU,Islamabad2
  • Dr. Jamil Hussain1 Lecturer, Islamabad Model College for Boys G-10/4, Islamabad1


The region of Baltistan is located in the north of Pakistan and Balti is the major language of Baltistan spoken in the region. Balti people were originated Mangol. In the past Baltistan was linked with Tibet and the part of great Tibet as well, later on due to influences of the preachers of Islam the whole region was converted to Islam and now the total population of Baltistan is Muslims. Balti language related to Sino Tibetan language family and closer to Tibeto Burman branch of Sino Tibetan language family. The article reflects brief information about Baltistan region and Balti language.

Key words: Baltistan, Balti, Tibet, Sino Tibetan, History, Ariyan, Mangol




How to Cite

Dr. Abdul Sattar Malik2, & Dr. Jamil Hussain1. (2024). Baltistan Region and Balti Language : خطۂ بلتستان اور بلتی زبان. The Study of Religion and History, 1(4), 1–11. Retrieved from